The Story so far ....

Mark is a big guy ...Mark is a shorts guy ... its difficult for him to find shorts his length ..
SO down at VARKALA .. he gives a Order of 8-10 pairs of pants ..light weights ...

Our mission should we choose to accept it!!!  .. to go in at 7 hundred hours .. retrieve the objective and be back . a clean in and out operation . We will NOT engage the ENEMY !!!!!


Mark :Impersonator expert and  weapons specialist 

Bob: Diversions  and disguise  

Shadow Man (AKA) patchious patch   : Image control and informations 


We arrive at  the Cliffs  of VARKALA after trying to evade any possible  trailing  ( lost our way  ) at 7:30 am ..( not on time in case the ENEMY is on to our plan.!!)

Captured a local scene .. to get to know our surroundings well and for further document purposes....among those people out there .. one could be our contact the inside man  and one could be the  ENEMY !!!!..

We quickly blend in to the area posing as DUMB Tourists ..we  take our chances ..  trying to get more info out of the situation at hand ...COFFEE BREAK .

Not just normal  coffee break  my friends .. trying to  read the  painting at the coffee mug !!/... yes yes  ..  read the painting ..  you ask .. ?? well .. just might a  coffee mug to the normal layman  eye ...  but not to us ..  deep  inscribed in  the painting in blue is ..  and  WHAT might be the our lead to finding  our the  inside guy on the job ..... ah  huh ..yes ..  the lady sitting under a white and blue stripe
umbrella  ah  yes all makes sense . ...OUR CONTACT is a female !!! .. and in BLUE !!!...we  wait for her .. but the only thing that  arrives is a the Coffee BILL ... obviously the ENEMY is  on to us .. and wants to throw us off track ...

we are on the  move again ..I capture and document everything ...for DE briefing back at the bAsE

We were under watch  from  every angle possible my sixth sense was acting up ... aerial 

oh  we had to be really careful!!

Though ground guards didn't pose as much  of a threat ... thanks to the last nights KAPPA ( Tapioca)  .. drugging the guard  DOGS  was easy .... 

we look for clues and information where ever possible .... we leave no statue or scary mask unturned!!!

Hmmm.. this  looks like a place where we might be able to  gather some information .. While  Bob and I  keep watch  outside .. Mark bodly goes where no  man will  ever dare to GO  unarmed ,... to this G.A.Y( Great Art works 4 YOU)   man's shop !!!..

Mark has to lay his life under danger ..  he gets close to the local .. to gather information.. careful one wrong move  HE could get his( A**)( rear) blown up !!! ...Careful man careful !!!

Hmmm... may be a little  too close :

Hey !!but proves that  he is not the  GReAT ART WORKS 4 YOU kinda  GUY  ....

we finally meet up with our CONTACT .. (sadly no was not a female)  that  was the easy part actually ..  but theres more .. we were in  for a surprise !!! MARK reads out the non -destructing info carve on to a blade of  a knife ...

SAdly the  package won't be ready till  14 hundred hours !!.. we have to  wait it out  .. thats the  tough part how can  we blend in  and not get noticed or caught ..but thanks to our master of disguise..we had more than  one options ... 

 We try out .. different covers .. posing as trees or .. ehem the  painting on the trees....!!!

Hmm.. finding that  it doesn't seem to work   enough to blend in  we go back to being the  tourist and guide  routine...

Mark mingling around ...and acting like tourists ....


We needed to  lie low for some time .. till Marks package (  pants ) is  ready  .. so  we found this  low area where we were gonna  just chill  and blend in to the  tourist crowd at VARKALA....

Hmm  obviously a under cover agent .. why else would he be dragging  a stick along the  beach  ...Got to be careful !!..

I try looking for more clues and tip offs on mugs and glasses ... but sadly nothing came up  .. was just a  cream pot and glass of my  pine apple juice ..

After waiting around we felt it was not safe there had we stayed there .. our cover could have been  blown ..  not to mention the  guy with the stick  came back again !!!...so  we thought its better to move to the  waters and get lost in  the  crowd .. a few among many  is very difficult to spot...

On the way to the beach side , below actually  black market SPY Gadgets  posing as Local Indian Spices ..

Deadly Baskin Robins ... scary chick with  blood oozing out of her mouth ...and you think why the guy don't have no customers!!!

Couldn't help it  my photographers eyes kick in  ... awwww.!!!!!. with these new digital camera now a days "Every one's  a Photographer!!!!..its all about light  I tell ya !!!"...(Mark Teague)


Mark and Bob run  Recon mission  to collect data from the sea .. while I stay watch  and run the  tour guide routine to look after our gear on  shore occasionally clicking away with the camera 

Ok mark shows the all clear signal from far out in the sea ... 

Bob adds in to the signal ... they are a ballet duo now ... actually its a signal to show  we are coming out of the  water .. just when I think things are crazy!!! enough ..Opps  looks like we been spotted !!!!

High above the skys ... Para gliders!!!!..

Ok we need a diversion .. Bob quickly tells mark to ...fake a scribbles drawing routine  of balls  Ehem .....! might just throw the  glider off thinking ..they  are just  bunch  of  Ehem !!!..crazy tourists.. having a Ehem !!! and fun time . While bob just walks around in  circles around the image .. cool diversion  ..throws the para glider ..off,.. he doesn't want nuting to do with us !!!

We get  cool  tip off from another informant ... "Marco theo packageo iso  readyo "... and has to go in alone to  retrieve it ... while  Mark goes in for this last and final dangerous mission .. 

Me and Bob lie low and in disguise  in case there is trouble and then  we can run for our lives !! Bob disguises as this shoe gobbler (left) and me use my years of training in Chinese art of " Shadow- Chowmen-stu" to transform my self to a shadow  form ..

Mark  Returns with the package ( 8 of his pants from the  tailor ) .operation pant stitch is accomplished!!.. ..all we need is to get out ..unnoticed...but thats not all  Mark returns with ..He  returns with our NEXT MISSION ...!!!


Looks can be deceiving we need to decipher this .... Hmmm..  . guy sitting with his shirt off ....in kerala varkala .... snowy  capped mountains... Hmm strange to the normal  eye  but to the trained EYE ......!!!!( even  stranger ..I mean  who'D ever put out an  ad like this  !!!! ..where in the place in  Kerala Varkala  do you find snow capped mountains !!!)..................



Seema Duhan said...

hmmm.. you guys are really adventurous... good.. keep it up... taking the life on stride...

Patchious patch said...

heheheh ,,,thanks :-)

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